Heal thy SELF

Title: "Navigating Loss: Our Journey of Resilience with WeClick CIC"

………..a journey through the ups and downs of life, navigating the complex terrain of loss and bereavement. While this topic may seem like a straightforward path of grief, we're about to uncover that it's so much more. Join us as we explore the incredible work of WeClick CIC, a non-profit organisation committed to making a difference in the world of coaching, counseling, employability, health, well-being, mental health, math projects, bids, and even samba shows! We'll tread the fine line between humor and wisdom while celebrating the resilience of the human spirit.

The Complexity of Loss:

Loss and bereavement, as many of us have experienced, aren't tidy, one-size-fits-all affairs. It's more like that messy closet we all have - you think you've sorted it out, but then you discover another hidden corner with even more chaos. Our journey through loss began early on, with the passing of both grandparents within a year, and then the unimaginable loss of our mother. These experiences introduced us to questions of spirituality and the profound nature of existence, setting the stage for our later explorations into healing and self-discovery.

The Loneliness of Loss:

As our story unfolds, we witness the profound loneliness that often accompanies loss. Our mother's emigration for health reasons left us separated from our family and searching for solace. In our own words, we were "looking for love in all the wrong places," living out the clichés of lost souls while outwardly succeeding in our careers in TV. But sometimes, success is just a mask.

The Tipping Point:

The turning point in our journey came with the devastating illness of our sister, who suffered an astounding 13 brain hemorrhages in one go, leaving her in a vegetative state for eight long years. It was during this dark period that we recognized the patterns of avoidance and escape that had characterized our lives. We realised that walking away from pain doesn't make it disappear; it only prolongs the inevitable reckoning.

Physician, Heal Thyself:

In a fascinating twist, our family seemed surrounded by therapists and mental health professionals. Yet, we all shared a common struggle: helping others while grappling with our own demons. It's a testament to the complexity of human nature, a reminder that even those who dedicate their lives to healing need healing themselves.

Healing Through Loss and Beyond:

The heart of Incredible Thinks lies in its dedication to wellness, well-being, and the profound journey of self-discovery that often arises from loss. This incredible organization has dedicated sections to various aspects of this journey – the loss of self, the healing of self, and the rediscovery of self.

One can't help but admire the resilience that runs through the veins of Ithinks.org. They collaborate with partners like Juliet Rose, who dedicated her life to counseling and building 'survival confidence,' especially among single and young mothers. Although Juliet is no longer with us, her legacy lives on through the incredible work of Ithinks.org.

A Legacy of Healing:

Julie Rogers, another remarkable partner, came into our lives just before Juliet's final diagnosis. It's almost as if she had a hand in setting everything in motion. Juliet's work on loss and bereavement, which delves into healing the inner child, continues to inspire and support Ithinks.org and its mission. Her workshops, offered at a special Ithinks rate, are a testament to the power of her legacy.

Partners in Healing:

As we navigate the Ithinks.org website, we encounter a wealth of partners who, like Juliet and Julie, are dedicated to helping individuals heal and rediscover themselves. These partners offer professional and deeply therapeutic approaches to coping with loss and bereavement. It's a network of support that reminds us we're never alone in our journey.

In the world of Ithinks.org, loss is not the end; it's the beginning of a profound transformation. Our story serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Heed the lesson that even those who spend their lives healing need healing themselves. And, remember, when we recover and restore from our own losses, we have the power to pass on that healing to others.

Navigating together, we can heal, rediscover, and thrive. Thank you for joining us on this inspiring journey where loss is not the end but a new beginning.


LIVE in the moment - Love Julie xx


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